Survey & Measurement Solutions
We provide surveying equipment for the surveying, engineering and construction markets in the UK. Offering a comprehensive range of total stations, GNSS solutions, cable locators, digital levels and software, together with advice, training and support you can rely on.

SLAM Solutions
SLAM 3D mobile mapping technology is highly versatile & adaptable to all environments - indoor, underground difficult to access. Our technology provides accurate 3D mapping without the need for GPS. Build a highly accurate 3D model of your environment with the ZEB Family

Survey Max is a fully authorised distributor for Geomax International and GeoSLAM

The world of GeoMax

GeoMax works closely with their dealers and customers to ensure that our products are tailored to solve the problems you face in the field.

Our Customers

Become a

GeoMax is looking for successful salespeople who are keen to own and run their own dealership in the future.
We’ll provide everything you need to get started.
Full-time salary with a sales commission.
Demonstration kit.
Training on all GeoMax instruments and sales support.
Technical support or your customers
Mentoring and support to help you know when it’s time to branch out alone!